Saturday, June 12, 2010

Home and back

Today marks the end of my 2-week-long break.

I miss the noise and shouting matches already. And the sleeping in and the only having to decide what to do/eat each day. But the holiday has ended, and the savings are running dry, so it's back to work. And just in time for the busy June-July period as well, where I'll be working averagely 2 shifts a day every single day from now till... August probably?

Though I rather be kept busy than mope at home feeling sad and homesick. :(

Plus, I'm looking forward to seeing some of the folks at work. Especially in the World Cup season, it's gonna be plenty of fun with the collective misery and exhaustion that will be expected in the next month. (/^ ^)/


A quick recap on my trip home.

The whole reason I had to fly home at such notice was to renew my passport. All because my agent failed to notify me - oh I dunno, 3 months ago? - that in order for my visa to be granted, I needed passport validity of at least 6 months. And she told me this 2 weeks ago, and gave me 28 days to fix it.

And because my mum and sister had already booked their flights to Perth ages ago, I had an interval of less than a week to apply for a Bridging Visa, buy my tickets, rush home, renew my passport, and fly back to Perth with the two of them.

Do you know how much it costs to fly to KL at the last minute? Close to $400 one way. That's almost $800 for a 4 day trip home! There are tickets to London cheaper than that! T.T

BUT, it had to be done. =/ And the trip home turned out to be a blessing if only because I got to see family and (too few) friends whom I haven't seen for 2 years. I miss them like hell already, but I take comfort in the fact that I'll be seeing them again, at tops, in 6 months' time.

Plus, next time around - Jilliebeans! And everyone else important that I couldn't meet up with because my agent is stupid.


Sigh, but more than anything else now, I really miss family. Sent mum and sis off to the airport this morning, and just received word that sis was crying almost the whole way back. T_______T No kid should have to go through this kinda misery every time she has to part with her big sis. Shouldn't I be around a lot more than this? =/


  1. aiyo your sister *heart breaks

    but to be optimistic, this means you never left her heart even while you were so far away all this time? *hugs

  2. *hugs back*

    True true. I was a bit worried at first that she's grown up and away from me, after not seeing her for 2 years. But it's all good, still very close and attached to her big che. ;)

  3. Wahah! This gives you an excuse to come back more often even if you get a PR! :D



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