Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yellow Fever

I have recently discovered a profound love for the colour yellow.

I think it all started with the episode of Glee where the girls had matching yellow frocks and sang to a Walking on Sunshine//Halo mash-up, all jacked up on Vitamin D. How have I not taken notice (and ownership) of this bright, happy hue before? How could I have gone through a good quarter of a century without racking every clothing shelf empty of their bananas and mustards and lemons? (Answer: it's because I always end up buying them in black instead).

And the deal was finally sealed when I bought these pair of shoes during my last trip home:

:: Only RM30! Suck on that, pricey and uninspired Aussie shoes ::

Actually maybe it went back as far as last Christmas when Mitch bought me the prettiest yellow dress ever; which unfortunately is still sitting in my cupboard with the tag on - but brightening up my otherwise boring wardrobe. Only because it's 3 whole sizes too big for me and I've never gotten around fixing it. And by fixing it, I mean asking my mum to help me fix it.

I still try it on from time to time, hoping that I've somehow filled out the bust area or that it wasn't as loose as I remembered it to me. No luck so far. :(

But modest chest sizes aside; I think there's no better time than here and now to fully embrace the lemon power - spring time in sunny Perth. :) Driving down to Albany, we passed fields after endless fields of dense yellow wildflowers just begging to be pranced upon. And I will, mark my words - I will. Just as soon as I get the perfect frock and wide-brimmed hat.

Until then, I'm spreading the yellow fever.

:: Jovani Prom Dress. It's yellow, it's ruffled and it's bubbled at the hem! ::

:: The yellow field flowers I would much rather have ::

:: Michael Kors Grommet Tote. Only $269. Only 13 hours of workslavery. ::

:: Something relatively more affordable - Weis Mango & Cream, the mother of all tubbed ice-creams. The mango sorbet is possibly more mango-riffic than most fruit mangoes. And it's paired with the creamiest, richest, smoothest vanilla cream ::

:: Mango panna cotta - recipe here ::

:: My current spritz of choice ::

:: A 1969 Ford Mustang ::

:: A dopey yellow lab puppy ::

:: You haven't had jelly beans till you've had Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn beans ::

And last but not least:

A yellow polka dot bikini! :)


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