Hello I am Basil. My owner gave me a boy's name because she's silly like that sometimes.
Okay she looks a bit fierce in that photo, but I assure you that she's all hugs and cuddles most of the time. That is, when she's not busy being a cat in every other ways.
I have long since established my impression of the feline: needy, lazy, disloyal, think they are superior to men, temperamental, and harbouring a secret desire of killing me in my sleep.
And my few encounters with them so far haven't exactly done much to prove me wrong either; the strays back home enjoys pissing on my shoes, my neighbour's cat always turned away whenever I try to pat him, and Diana's cat used to hiss at me whenever I even try looking at it. -.- Although to be fair, Diana's cat used to hate people in general.
But look, I finally found a cat which actually likes me!
Forces her way into a cuddle usually when I'm on the laptop. As we speak, I've had to already put my comp away twice. -.-
We picked her up from Cat Haven, this cat shelter in Shenton Park which is only about 5 minutes away from our place. Initially we wanted to get a smaller kitten, something between 8-12 weeks old perhaps.
But as soon as we walked into the place, our kitten pretty well decided that she wanted us to take her home, and she was rather vocal about it too. Out of the 20 odd cats present, she was the only one meowing out to us with all her might, even falling over a couple of times in her desperate plea to get our attention.
Then, almost as fate would have it, the other smaller kittens were unavailable due to this rule they have about 'taking the last kitten together with its sibling/mother', and yeah we don't have the space for two cats. Sides, they didn't like us as much as Basil does. :)
She still displays all the usual cat-racteristics: scratching the furniture, perching on window sills, spending the bulk of her days sleeping and her nights keeping her owners awake. She eats moderately, but poos a heck lot for such a small kitteh. -.-
She also has her little quirks which may or may not be common in most cats (I wouldn't know better, and I'm only basing them on what Mitch tells me). For one, she does the "turns around on the spot before sitting down" thing like a pup. ^^ And most times she's pretty happy to be patted and cuddled, which is a nice change from cats who run away from me. T.T
I also like bags.
I've never had a pet my whole life. I've always wanted one, especially a puppy, but my mum had always said no. Which I thought was a little unfair since she had a dog previously, whom sadly passed away when I was still very little. :( I think the family wanted to spare me the misery of a dying pup; and spare themselves the misery at the same time probably.
And I don't resent them for that. I would have loved to grow up with a dog, but I don't think I had the best environment to raise one.
Things are different now though. Living where I am, with someone who's had dogs his whole life, in a city where I don't have to fear walking my pup in the park by myself when I eventually get one. Only after we've bought our own house though, considering pets are not allowed on most rented properties (shhhh..).
But for now, Basil's perfect for us. :)
SO MANJA T___________T
ReplyDeleteomg damn cute i cannot tahan.
ReplyDeletei wanna get a cat tooooo.
And damn accident-prone too. -.- She's bumped her head on the same spot two days in a row, now there's a raw wound just above her eye. Damn kesian la had to apply medicine and she was flinching and meowing dem heartbreaking T____T