Ever since I legally could, both Christmas eve and New Year's eve celebrations for me had more or less involved one or more of the following: 1) drinking; 2) out partying; 3) counting down in a packed and noisy place; 4) drinking some more. 8 years on, I've finally hung up my party shoes and quietly ushered in Christmas and New Year with my family and loved ones. :)
:: And with nary a drop of booze! ::
8 years, holy crap. 8 years since I was finished with high school. 8 years since I shed those hideous turquoise uniforms and relished the new found freedom that came with college and a driving license (and subsequently, my own car). 8 years since I've first pursued my dreams, realized it was the wrong one, and found the courage to pursue another despite several rather impressionable objections.
And here I am, 8 years on - still living, still writing, and still determined to pursue contentment. Yes, it took me 5 years of tertiary education, thousands of dollars and plenty of self-doubt to realize that my dream is to be contented with life. Not just any mediocre offerings in life of course; but to at least have given a shot to everything I've ever set out to do so I'd be able to look back and go, "Hell yes I've done that. TWICE." Or you know, something to that extend.
2010 had been a progressive one for me, both emotionally and financially. Mostly the former (and not enough of the latter); SO FOR THIS YEAR, I've dusted my apron free of moping and general whinging, and will focus on getting specific things done. No vague and ambiguous goals, I'm listing out the Must Do's in detail:
1) Get re-acquainted with the arts - Must complete at least 1 book a month, watch at least 1 complex media-studies-esque movie a month, AND attend at least 1 stage performance every 2 months (because it costs a lot more than the other two, ok?). If I miss another epic concert I will shoot myself. AC/DC shall be my final regret.
2) Try something new... as and when possible. By the end of this year, I must have learned or picked up at least 3 new skills/hobbies/languages/habits/abilities etc.
3) Balls up with the job hunt. The WA market has had a boom over summer apparently, so let the engineers and accountants be rightfully placed in their respective roles, and leave the creative comm business to the likes of me, thankyouverymuch. A reward system will be put in place to motivate self.
4) No hesitations. Yang if you're reading this, anytime I set out to do something but chicken out at the last minute, I give you authority to use all means to force me back on track. Even if it's something stupid and pointless.
5) Be frugal! .... as and when possible. Think of Greece every time I'm about to succumb to temptation.
And there you have it, my resolutions for 2011. And to the rest of you, here's to a blessed, shiny new year full of surprises, love and no hesitations. :)
Happee 2011!
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